Our Staff

Ministry Staff

Rev. Jared K. Henry

Lead Pastor

Pastor Jared K. Henry has been the Lead Pastor at Mackey Church of the Nazarene since July 2018. Pastor Jared was born-again at 8 years of age and sanctified wholly at a campmeeting when he was 18 years old right after graduating from high school.

After answering a call to full-time pastoral ministry, he went to college and worked on a degree in Bible & Theology. He married Sarah in May of 2002 and then graduated from Bible college in December of 2002. Pastor Jared and Sarah have two children (Jacob & Hannah) and serve the Lord together in ministry.

Rev. Bill Castillo

Executive Pastor

Pastor Bill Castillo has been the Executive Pastor at Mackey Church of the Nazarene since July 2020. Pastor Bill met Jesus as Lord at age 12 at a youth weekend camp-out and was later wholly sanctified during a revival in Colorado Springs in 1992.

He entered the ministry in 2009 upon retirement from the United States Air Force. Pastor Bill attended Asbury Theological Seminary and completed his degree in May 2019 and ordained in July 2022. He and his wife Carol were married in 1989 and have been active in local church ministry throughout their marriage. They have two children: Chad, who is serving in the United States Navy; and Drew, who is keeping mom and dad young despite their age.

Jared Allen

Associate Minister

Pastor Jared Allen has been the Associate Minister since June 2024. He met Jesus and became a Christian at the age of 12. As a teenager, the Lord placed a burden and a call on his heart for pastoral ministry. During the second semester of his time at Bible college, God sanctified his heart.

Jared is a graduate of Kentucky Mountain Bible College (KMBC), where God grew his love for and further equipped him for discipling people of all ages. He is passionate about helping others develop themselves spiritually. Jared and his wife, Claire, met while attending KMBC. They were married in August 2024.

Sarah Henry

Discipleship Minister

Sarah has been serving alongside Pastor Jared in the ministry for 20 years. She has served in music ministry, children’s ministry, and teaching. God is leading her in a new direction to serve through preaching. Currently, Sarah is enrolled in Nazarene Bible College pursuing ordination requirements for the Church of the Nazarene. Sarah’s greatest desire is to help people know the saving and sanctifying power of the Lord.

Amy Busing

Office Secretary

Amy is a life long member of the Mackey Church of the Nazarene. She has served in many capacities of ministry through the church and now serves in the office by helping with administration and organization.

Debbie Boger


Debbie is a part of lots of different places of ministry in the life of the church (children’s ministry to our annual theatrical performances) but also does much behind the scenes by keeping the property at Mackey campus clean and inviting!

Preschool Staff

Megan Doerner

Preschool Lead Teacher

Megan was saved after graduating from high school and has been a member of the Mackey Church of the Nazarene since 2008. Megan and her husband Danny were married in 2009 and are the parents to 3 children. She is involved in various other children’s ministries in the church. Megan has a heart for Jesus and sharing the love of Jesus with children!

Brooke Mitchell

Preschool Classroom Assistant

Ministry Leaders

Mary Atchison

Nazarene Missions International (NMI) President

Mary works with the NMI Council to help keep our church working to #Engage the world for Jesus through support of missionaries and mission work around the world. Our church is committed to impacting the world even beyond Southwest Indiana.

Cecilia Rhoden

Nazarene Youth International (NYI) President

Cecilia works with the local Nazarene Youth International (NYI) Council to organize activities and provide ministry to the teenagers of our church and community. Information about our youth ministry can be found here.

Tom McCool

Nazarene Discipleship International (NDI) Superintendent

Tom works with the NDI Council to provide opportunities for everyone to be #Equipped by the Holy Spirit. Our #Equip groups meet at various places and times during the week and can be found here.

Local Licensed Ministers

Carl Johnson

Carl moved to Gibson County in 2011 and began attending Mackey Church of the Nazarene in 2012 when he was not away serving in the military. Carl began to attend regularly after retiring from the Air Force in 2016. He began to feel a calling to serve the Lord and was sanctified in 2019.

Currently, Carl is attending Oakland City University, majoring in Religious Studies with a minor in Pastoral Ministries. His desire is to be obedient to God, share the Gospel of Jesus with as many as possible, and serve in whatever calling God ultimately has for him.

Grace Strickland