Adult Ministries

Discipleship Ministry

We recognize that in order to #Engage the world for Jesus we need to be #Equipped by the Holy Spirit. We try to create a number of opportunities on a regular basis for people to learn, grow, implement, and be #Equipped by the Holy Spirit. Check out current listings of #Equip classes on the #Equip page.

YAF Ministry (Young Adult Fellowship)

YAF is a vibrant ministry at Mackey Church of the Nazarene. Throughout the year YAF does different events that bring the many young adults and young married couples of the church together for times of great fun. Ranging from ages of early 20′s to late 30′s, this ministry gives you a chance to form relationships with people who love Christ and are experiencing the same stage of life.

M³ Ministry (Mackey Men’s Ministry)

M³ is a great chance for men to grow in their faith together. From different trips that involve fun and ministry to overnight retreats, M³ wants for men to encourage one another in this walk of faith and to be challenged to embrace the calling God has for our lives. These events are planned about six times a year.

Women’s Ministry

Women’s Ministry gives the ladies in the church an opportunity to fellowship together and encourage one another. The year holds multiple trips and events for this ministry. There is shopping, festivals, overnight retreats, conferences and banquets. This is a great opportunity to grow relationships and find encouragement.

Primetime Ministry

For our seniors, MCON offers a Primetime Ministry. This ministry is full of opportunities to join with many other seniors to come together for times of fellowship and worship. There is also opportunities to go on trips that enjoy music and great speakers.

Choir Ministry

MCON enjoys a choir that enhances worship on Sunday mornings and also puts on different productions throughout the year. If you are looking for an opportunity to use the musical ability God has given to you, consider our choir. You would be singing weekly and also in cantatas and programs throughout the year. Our choir is directed by a life long music teacher who has a passion to present the gospel in a beautiful way.